Groundwater science report  Groundwater Ion Content Precursors of Strong Earthquakes

Groundwater science report Groundwater Ion Content Precursors of Strong Earthquakes

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Kamchatka Peninsula was situated at the location of far east of Russia . It was consider as the active margin from the geological point of view . Pacific plate sub canal was near from Eurasia and North America.This particular area was  repeatedly characterized due to  powerful earth crust activity of the magnitude level of 8.6. The point of epicenter had divided offshore regions with the Peninsula Eastern coast. In the past years, the hydrogeochemical had placed for sampling procedure with the approximately mean interval of almost three days .For observing and deciding ,the most commonly used ions in the unit of rock in “groundwater of five deep wells in an area of Southern Kamchatka peninsula”. In the past few years, almost five earthquakes of  magnitude 6.5 on Richter scale had felt at the distance of “less than  250 km” from wells. All intense earthquakes could consider as the influential and significant originator of precursors.