The impact of L&D on Regulatory Compliance within Investment Banking - A Study on Barclays Bank

The impact of L&D on Regulatory Compliance within Investment Banking - A Study on Barclays Bank

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In the recent years, the financial crises in 2008 have resulted in a significant increase in the regulatory pressures on the financial institutions. Financial institutions in response have performed diligently to rewrite processes and redeploy the resources to adhere with the new regulations introduced by the federal government. For nearly 100 largest banks in United Kingdom, the operational cost of regulatory compliance now exceeds 100 billion pounds annually. However, neither of these statistics takes into consideration the additional cost of fewer resources and lost productivity devoted to revenue generation initiatives. Client servicing is the chief function of the investment banks that involves assisting the clients in raising equity capital through facilitating private placement of debt capital, raising, shares, acquisitions, and mergers and controlling the investments (Herrmann, 2007).