The impact of using cooperative learning strategies on students learning in science classes
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In cooperative learning, there is no ideal size for training the working groups. However, we can say that the golden rule for a group work is that all group members are able to observe, and can interact with each other. In accordance of Laurillard (2013), cooperative is a proposal that goes in to guide the work of teachers wishing to provide its students with an education that includes not only the broadcasting contents but also the development of other skills social, such as communication, cooperation, teamwork and thinking. A host of researchers have investigated the quality of relationships among students, and between students and teachers. The research analysis using 168 students, resulting in that effort cooperative promotes greater esteem among students as well as allow teacher to expand cooperative learning towards them. The analysis of this current study reveals the impact of using cooperative learning strategies on students learning in science classes. Two questionnaires have been developed in order to examine the impact of using cooperative learning strategies in science classes on students learning. Sample size selected for teacher’s questionnaire is 54 while students’ questionnaire selected sample size is 168. Below are the individual results of both questionnaires.