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Polymeric based composites materials have been utilized in multiple applications like sporting goods, automotive, industrial, marine, construction, electrical, household appliances, and many more. The polymeric composites have elevated stiffness and strength, light weight along with high corrosion resistance. There are multiple types of composites that are utilized in greatest variety of composite function due to its compensations like good thermal along with electric insulator, low density, low cost and ease of production. The characteristics of polymer composite are majorly observed by constitutive components like the types of polymer, types of reinforcements, and interface among them. Polymers are disturbed in two groups such as thermostats and thermoplastics. Thermostats materials are not stronger and ductile than the thermoplastic materials. It could be reversible and reshaped by application of pressure and heat. Molecules of thermoplastic materials do not cross link and consequently it is re-formable and flexible. Thermostats materials are fragile in environment and offer better dimension solidity, better rigidity along with electrical, higher chemical and solvent resistance. The most common resin materials have been used in thermostats composites are polyester, epoxy, vinyl ester, polymides and phenolics.